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  • MPPA Wins Case for Compensatory Time
    Posted On: Oct 14, 2015

    The Medford Police Patrolmen's Association recently had Compensatory Time restored after an almost eight month battle with Mayor Michael McGlynn.  The MPPA and City of Medford had reached a Settlement Agreement to resolve a pending 2011 arbitration case in regards to the accumulation and use of Compensatory Time.  The issue was resolved through the implementation of a Department Policy that was agreed upon by both the MPPA and Chief of Police in 2012.

    In Febuary 2015 Mayor McGlynn unilaterally recinded the policy as a knee jerk reaction to a local news report that questioned how the City managed Comp Time.  The MPPA filed an unfair labor charge through the Department of Labor Relations.  The Mayor agreed to reinstate the policy prior to a hearing before the DLR.

    It was unfortunate that Mayor McGlynn succumbed to pressure from very weak investigative report from a local news station.  It was even more unfortunate that it was a prelude to how Mayor McGlynn would finish out an almost thirty year hold on the Mayor's seat.

  • Medford Police Patrolmen's Association

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